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protein phosphatase中文是什么意思

用"protein phosphatase"造句"protein phosphatase"怎么读"protein phosphatase" in a sentence


  • 蛋白质磷酸酶


  • Effects of selenium supplementation on protein phosphatase 2a expression of liver in diabetic rats
  • The phospharylation and dephospharylation of protein are controlled by illumination . nowadays the knowledge about protein phosphatase of thykaloid is not well known
  • Abstract : this paper mainly describes the anticancer activities and ser / thr protein phosphatase inhibitory activities of cantharidin and its analogues
  • For uncovering the effects of reversible phospharylation on the structure and function of psii reaction centre , we purified a protein phosphatase associated membrane from the thykaloid membrane of ipomoea aquatica chloroplasts . in our experiments we studied the enzymology and spect rum characters of the purified phosphatase . in our lab , one kind of protein phosphatase associated thylakoid membrane of pomoea aquatica has been isolated
用"protein phosphatase"造句  
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